Thursday, March 5, 2009

As I mentioned in my last post you must consider this to be a business and treat it as such, as I said it is indispensable advice that will put you well ahead of where most people are at in this business. I mentioned that I would cover some of the pitfalls that I have fallen into and how you can avoid them. The reason I say treat this as a business will (hopefully) become clear as we continue.

I do not know how you got involved in this but for me it was due to searching for a way to provide more for the people who are closest to me and to make a positive contribution particularly through being able to donate to those in need that brought me to the internet. As I have stated I run a business anyway and it does provide a good income but I wanted more from life than working 60 hours a week. Sound familiar?

So I searched and searched until I found something that interested me, you know the kind of thing, work from home, no selling required, push a button and let the money roll in. All that type of stuff. So I paid my money, followed the plan, maxed out my credit cards, no result, so I answered a few emails that came to my inbox and tried something else, same thing no result. This happened there or four more times each time looking for the next thing that was going to work, no difference. I was frustrated and angry and out of pocket.

Here’s the unvarnished truth, any programme that offers money for nothing i.e. no work just push a button will not work for you unless you take the time to treat it as a business and learn how to market it. When you do the results are astounding. It is not hard to do, through this series I will teach you how I do it and how I have managed after trial and error to start making an income at this.

These are the things to be aware of: If you see an offer something like this

No selling required,

  1. Free leads,
  2. Pus a button and watch the money roll in,
  3. No effort
  4. Etc etc.

I am not saying that any of these programmes don’t work, most of them work quite well, the thing is you need to work at it, nothing good comes of not putting in some effort. There is some selling required, nobody buys anything unless they want it and then they need to be sold.

This post is getting a little long so we will carry on in the next one.

If you have not yet read the 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing the link is on the side of the page , (I believe that the site was somewhat overloaded the other day, so try again) I highly recommend this.

Thank you for reading and until next time, have a fantastic day, push on to your success.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Michael,

    I can relate to so much in your blog and if I'm not mistaken this blog in not too old is it?.

    I like your blog and I will keep reading it, so keep posting.

    My name is Deana Wilmink-Martina and I'm married to Ronald Wilmink. We live in the Netherlands with our two grown sons of 20 and 19 years.

    I can relate to so much of what you write and I've been working in the accounting department for years and have studied Human resource managemnet.

    But for years I'm not in a job anymore. Now I'm building a home based business and I want to bring it online and leverage of the Internet. Like you the push approach don't feel natural to me. I want to create attraction marketing to pull people to me.

    I have a lot of marketing to learn. Have done payroll for more than 20 years. I've learned a lot in my lifetime, but no Marketing.

    Only now I'm working on that. I have to if I want to succeed as an entrepreneur.

    I also want to start a blog and my reasons are so related to yours.

    I've came accross your blog via Ann Sieg's blog. So I will not be a buyer of these systems, I already have them.

    But I think I can share lots of ideas about changing mindset, the books I've been reading, people I've come to know and people on the Internet who can teach us lots of marketing formulas and strategies to succeed as an entrepreneur.

    Keep up the good work. I like your blog and I'll certainly will keep on reading. I'll bookmark it and I'll come back for reading more.

    Have a nice day .
    (I like your values.)
    I've made this my mantra. "Be yourself, everyone else is taken".
